Administrative Offices

Department of Information Technology

С»ÆÊé Department of Information Technology Services

What we do

The Department of Information Technology Services (I.T.S.) is responsible for all technology-based systems on campus, including, but not limited to: software, internet, wifi, desktops, laptops, cable television, telephones, printers, copiers, scanners, ERP, infrastructure and security.

Laptop Checkout—For faculty and staff only, laptops may temporarily be checked out for travel and С»ÆÊé business.

Haygood Computer Lab 420—Reservations for this lab are handled through Wanda Brock via email request to wbrock@paine.edu or online.

Assist Campus Safety and Communications and Marketing with e2 Campus Emergency Notification system.

I.T. training and development—Technological training and development is coordinated through the I.T.S. Department.

Forms and Links


How do I change my password for Blackboard, PaineNet and Email?

1. Log into a computer on campus using your current username and password.

2. Press CTRL ALT DEL at the same time

3. Click "Change a Password"

4. Change your password


Click Here: 

How do I register for emergency notifications?

The e2Campus system is the voluntary OPT-in emergency notification system used by С»ÆÊé and over 800 other schools. To use the С»ÆÊé e2Campus Alert System, students, faculty, and staff must register with their С»ÆÊé email account. Users have the option of adding mobile and voice phone numbers. One must subscribe to the e2Campus system in order to receive e2Campus alerts. Register here.

How can I forward my С»ÆÊé email to my personal I-Phone or Android?

To setup your С»ÆÊé email on your mobile device, follow .

Who we are:

Jeff Owens—Interim Director, jowens@paine.edu

Wanda D. Brock—Office Manager/Help Desk Coordinator, wbrock@paine.edu

Kornelius Taylor—Network Administrator, ktaylor@paine.edu

Derrick Brown-- Desktop Support Tech, dbrown3@paine.edu

Contact Information

Location: 1235 Fifteenth Street,
Haygood-Holsey Hall, Room 306, Augusta, GA 30901
Help Desk Phone: (706) 396 7600 Monday - Friday 8:30am -5:00pm
After-Hours Phone:
Email: itsstaff@paine.edu



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